Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why Wont The Ipod Touch Work With The Isymphony Why Wont My Ipod Touch Work?

Why wont my ipod touch work? - why wont the ipod touch work with the isymphony

I bought connected to iTunes and the damn thing wont even be able to work.
ITunes is expected to recognize and sync with your library or something, but that's not working, and I am so damn mad.
What the hell should I know? Turning on the iPod touch remains the symbol of the iTunes screen and will not let me do it. someone help me. My iTunes is version 7.0, i tryed to download version 8, but does not work ..


Anonymous said...

A similar fate befell me in the Apple Support site said that it happens a problem with iPhones and iPod touch, it freezes that is and gives you some helpful tips
They gave me a tip, said the computer restarts, and then connect the iPod to the back and it should work
Good luck and remember, the Apple Support website, check it out! If I were a dosent work of the Council

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