Friday, January 15, 2010

Troop London Bags What Is Gen. McChrystal Doing In London While We Have Troops Dying In Afghanistan?

What is Gen. McChrystal doing in London while we have troops dying in Afghanistan? - troop london bags

General McChrystal has traveled to London to participate in a conference call with President Obama to the White House. Obama and his closest advisers to keep the overall assessment of the what it takes to bring the defeat of the Taliban and stability in Afghanistan.


Happycat said...

What was Eisenhower in London, while the troops died in France?

Gee, I dunno. Perhaps McChrystal, as Eisenhower did not really need to stand in the middle of the field to command troops. In fact, I'm pretty sure that U.S. officials may contemporaries newfangled device called the "telephone" type, of any contract.

RitchWil... said...

General McChrystal commands the armed forces in Afghanistan, but the effort in Afghanistan is NATO, not an American operation. Although NATO is mainly based in Europe ... They begin to have the picture? It seems that the Heads of State and Government of NATO in Afghanistan, even if our president does not.

El Tecolote said...

The property is on the moon. Your boss is tie their hands so terribly bad that you can not do anything.

Tell me something. Why President Obama FVCK worked so hard for the Olympic Games in Chicago, while our soldiers die in Afghanistan?

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